Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Go forth and judge!

Have you ever wished your favorite bands would fight in an epic, battle of the bands, style tournament?

You haven't? What's wrong with you? I'll bet you don't believe that Clint Eastwood is an American treasure.

Clint has had enough of your nonsense.

I'll even bet you think Taylor Swift is a great musician and not just another pop princess destroying the once great music genre known as county.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I'll bet you have pictures of Karl Marx hanging in your garage? Am I right you dirty commie? I'll spit on your grave!

But I have digressed.

Friend, future doctor and all around swell guy, Luke Damron, has set up another blog which, through a bracket tournament format, allows voters to choose which band or artists they like the best. Check it out at

The early rounds are playing out like expected considering the age of most voters are probably early 30s and younger.

However, I am appalled that ZZ Top only has five votes to the Talking Heads' 14. For goodness sakes people! ZZ Top helped usher thousands of boys into puberty with videos for songs like "Sharp Dressed Man" and "Legs."

The custom red coupe was, and still is, a thing of dreams. Also, who doesn't appreciate the irony in the only member of the band without a beard is named Beard?

That's just my rant. Check out the blog at

We'll discuss later the universal ramifications and what it all means to the space-time continuum of a blog linking to a blog which has posts that can link you back to the original blog.

Your mind is blown. I knew it.

1 comment:

  1. Really love your last graphic,blown minds.
